Liars cheats and Thieves [Liar] Hard Mode, Titles Sluts, Farmers and Dungeon Crawlers
Liars, Cheats and Thieves is a U.S and Canadian based PvE and PvE hard mode, Title maxing and farming guild. We are recruiting mature players 16 and older. We are very relaxed and laid back and welcome everyone into the guild as long as you're not a begger, whinner, allaince spammer or an anal know-it-all... if you are a cool know-it-all then you're more than welcomed to join.
We offer the following:
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One of the largest most active guilds in the game. We are currently at capacity with 100 members. 85% of out members have played within the last 2 days. Each month we look for new members to replace those who have gone inactive for no reason for 3 weeks or more, and it is that time of the month again. We have cleared a few spots so we can make way for more active players.
1) Full Hall
2) Cool cape ( honest it is, no lame skulls or flames for us )
3) Private vent server with high end voice codex
4) Full access to forums once registered.
5) Weekly planned events that sometimes actually get done
7) Monthly lame contest now and then for in game gold.
8) Leader's of a growing active Luxon alliance
9) The guild leader is cool too..
what you wont get is:
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1) some lame ass guild leader demanding you faction farm
2) some lame ass guild leader asking for donations to help keep the vent server or website online
3) a bunch of noob players insisting they know more than you.
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To be honest we are just a cool bunch of laid back people who are glad to help out when we have the time and try to include guild members when possible in group activites and runs.
Our main current activities include farming Gwen Dungeon Farming, UW, FoW, DoA, Vanqish runs, Hard mode missions, Title whoring ( i have 20 ) and anything else.
our long range goal is to have people see us as a guild group they say "Damn, look at that guild group They have 5 "Many leather books, a Legendary Skill Hunter, and 2 Kind of a Big Deals."
Do to the usefulness and it's contributions to making runs successful, We require new members to have and use ventrilo (vent) and come online. Game discussions and planning occur all the time and more gets planned and orginized in vent then on guild chat. A mic is not required but is strongly recomended.
Ventrilo is a free download ( linked from our website ) and any officer will be able to help you get setup on it.
We welcome all into the guild; noobs, pro's, young and old... just send us an in game pm and well extend the invite...
if you want to view our website and forums to get more information about us you can use the following info to gain visitor access
site =
name = visitor
pass = liar
Although i have tried my best to explain who we are and what our goals are they can not replace the expereince of just coming into the guild and seeing for yourself who we are and what we do. Even if you are just thinking of trying us out or you're just not sure, just do it... you have nothnig to loose but my 100 gp, and there will be no hard feelings if you bail on us... you proved your coolness by giving us the chance to keep you as a guildie.
Reason One
Healing Princess X
Gwendolyn Lockheart
Vandin Sertal
Tippy Toad